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3 Minutes A Week To Stay Healthy

Featured Ageless Athletes have spent an inordinate amount of time developing and honing their particular skill. As bodybuilders, yoga masters, judo experts, fencers, trainers, powerlifters and football players, each has trained diligently to progress and prosper. Their accomplishments are a testament to each athletes remarkable commitment. There are many who admire Ageless Athletes but do not have the time or interest to walk such a path. The question may be asked, how can I live a healthy life without such dedication?

The answer may be as simple as exercising 3 minutes per week and general movement, requiring you to get out of your chair. A BBC documentary, The Truth About Exercise, which can be viewed at http://documentaries-plus.blogspot.com/2012/05/truth-about-exercise-bbc-horizon.html is worth watching, if you want to see exercise in a totally different light. I encourage all athletes and sedentary visitors to view this video.

George Kattouf

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