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The Regenexx Solution

As an Ageless/Timeless Athlete, I have always tried to rely upon science and the experience of other Ageless Athletes to guide me in my quest for healthy longevity. Whether it be the selection of vitamins and supplements, food choices or exercise regimens, this premise has guided me to make logical choices. In addition, I have relied upon my personal successes and failures. Not all of my choices have enhanced my performance, even though others may benefit from a similar lifestyle choice.

I have utilized the same premise in the treatment of injuries. While playing football in the late 60’s I suffered a severe bicep injury that prevented me from flexing my right arm. The team physician suggested I try a new treatment. In his office, he placed a gel on my bicep and pressed a device repetitively over my bicep. I was amazed at the quick positive results. By the time I left the office my bicep flexion had dramatically improved. As archaic as it may now appear, that device was an Ultra-Sound machine. At the time, it was cutting edge therapy.

While performing a double snap kick in the air twenty years later, I landed in a manner that led to a stabbing pain in my knee which I shall never forget. The pain was excruciating and I feared my martial arts career was over. I consulted a local physician who informed me that I had torn my anterior cruciate ligament and required surgery. In 1991, this was a relatively new procedure and I was not satisfied that the surgeon had the expertise to ensure that I would be kicking twenty years later. I wasn’t certain that such a surgery was necessary but was soon to discover through reading and my knee instability the surgery was necessary. A friend who was a local physician strongly suggested that I travel 100 miles to Pittsburgh to have the surgery performed by the renowned Dr. Freddie Fu. Dr. Fu was a leader in the field and was the team physician for Pitt football and many local teams in the area. I took his advice and had remarkable results. My kicking and pivoting ability were restored and powerlifting became a reality due to his expertise.

Years of kicking, pivoting and powerlifitng have had a dramatic impact upon my knee cartilage and meniscus. For years, I have ingested the standard Glucosamine and Chondroiton supplements, used MSM Creams, regrettably consumed Vioxx for a short period, used orthotics, exercises and braces. I have been injected with Synvisc and requested Platelet Rich Plasma or blood spinning injections. In addition acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments have been part of my protocol. All of these attempts have had varying degrees of effectiveness. I now find myself in a similar quandary as previous injuries. What is the best path to insure that I am able to continue to kick, sprint and power-lift at a level that will permit me to motivate others.

An orthopedic surgeon had suggested partial knee replacements. This could be effective but long term rehabilitation is required and certainly complications could arise as with any surgery. Full flexion may never regained and running is often prohibitive based on what I have been told by individuals who have taken this route. Others have suggested an osteotomy which in essence is an effort to straighten varus or bow-legged knees with a bone graft. My martial arts grandmaster opted for this approach with no improvement.

During an interview with an amazing Featured Ageless Athlete, I became aware of cutting edge alternative. Dr. Joseph Maroon informed me that he had received stem cell injections from Regennex physicians as an alternative to knee replacement and since, continues to participate in triathlons. I immediately went to the Regennex web site to research the viability of this procedure. In addition, I found a local physician who was attempting to gain FDA approval for a similar procedure. It has taken two years to finally decide upon the Regennex injections. The local physician’s FDA approval had moved at a snails pace and he supported the Regennex decision, indicating that they had the most experience in this area.

I have sent my MRI to Regennex in the Broomfield, Colorado the home of the Centeno-Shultz Clinic and had a consultation by phone with a representative. The physician was able to determine the efficacy of the stem cell procedure based upon my particular degeneration. The procedure involves a three phase process.

The first phase will be blood spinning and inflammation reduction. According to Regennex physician Dr. Brian Shiple, “ Pre-treatment is to prepare a platelet lysate to inject in your joint or inject a hypertonic dextrose and novacaine mixture into the joint. The Platelet Lysate or PL is prepared by drawing 60cc of blood and then spinning it in a centrifuge to create a Stem Cell Plasma or SCP or Platelet Rich Plasma.” He indicates that research has shown that half of transplanted stem cells may be destroyed within an inflamed joint. The first phase is designed to encourage the joint to accept the stem cells within an optimal environment.

The second session, conducted one week later, will be the primary phase which involves extracting stem cells from bone marrow which when processed, will be injected in my knees with a growth factor.
In addition, fat cells will be extracted from viable donor areas and re-injected in the knee. A driver will be needed to take me home from the procedure due to the anesthetic and the need to be somewhat immobile with the help of unloader braces and crutches.

Dr Shiple describes the third phase by stating, “ Two weeks later you will return for the post-injection treatment with a mixture of the platelet lysate and SCP (PRP) into your joint to continue to feed or fertilize the existing stem cells still in your joint. The stem cells will continue to do their immediate job for approximately 6 weeks but growth factor signaling will last probably twice as long which directs the repair and healing process.”

There is preparation prior to the procedure. Diet and medication adjustment including aspirin cessation
is necessary. A variety of tips for success including supplements have been sent to me which I am now following. Exercise is another facet. It appears that weightlifters have enhanced stem cell growth and are more likely to have a successful results.

One of the initial deterrents for me was the distance I would have to travel to the Colorado clinic. This has been remedied by additional satellite locations being established across the country. I was ecstatic to find Dr. Brian Shiple located in Springfield, Pennsylvania. The proximity to my home, a four hour trip, makes the stem-cell appointments far more attractive and reasonable from a traveling standpoint.

I do not know if the procedures will be a success but Regennex is my best hope in the United States.
According to their web site located at www.regenexx.com, they have seven years of experience in the field and have performed over 1300 knee procedures to date. Certainly, I will blog after each phase and during recuperation. As always, I look forward to a life of speed, strength and impact upon others. It is vital that I seek treatments that will enhance, not deter my growth.

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